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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu's Remarks

2010-10-17 18:03

Q: On Oct. 16, anti-Japan demonstrations erupted in a few cities of China. How do you comment?

A: China and Japan are important neighbors. We uphold a proper resolution of the existing sensitive and complicated issues between the two countries through dialogue so as to jointly safeguard the strategic relationship of mutual benefit. It is understandable that some Chinese people expressed their indignation against the recent erroneous words and deeds of the Japanese side, but we believe patriotism should be expressed in a rational and lawful way. We don't approve actions either irrational or against the law. We believe the majority of the Chinese people can translate their patriotic passion into good performance at work for the overall interest of China's reform, development and stability.

Q: On the afternoon of Oct. 16, hundreds of Japanese right-wing activists staged a demonstration in front of the Chinese Embassy in Japan. How do you comment?

A: The Chinese Government has expressed grave concern to the Japanese side over this case.

We urge the Japanese side to earnestly fulfill the obligations prescribed in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and take effective measures to ensure the safety of China's diplomatic missions, institutions and personnel in Japan.

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